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Number of Active DCA's on a bot. e.g. Bot has 3 DCA's set Active DCA's to 2 and the last DCA will only be active after the...
please add analytics from the signal bot which can be changed in the settings of the bot. Eg. 24h volumes of bought coins...
Option to have Initial Order Size not as a percentage of total account, but calculated from Risk ( depending on Entryprice and...
when using signal bots for different exchanges need a way for the system to not allow an position to be opened against a coin...
I propose an algorithm that checks the correctness of the entries in the whitelist and the blacklist windows. The algorithm...
I would like to see the profit of each trade in a history list. (See screenshot 1). I would also like to see the matched pairs...
To be able to judge if the 'Time-Based auto close' would make sence, it would be a great help to see a breakdown how fast the...
There's no way to find out that your webhook is incorrect. I had to use swagger after a discussion with support. Only then,...
Would be greate if " open new trade immediately " can be added upcoming release for signal bots. I use this strategy on alot of...
You may want to schedule bot start/stop according to: - Date and time - Time of day