Allow entry below stop price


Let's say I want to pre-configure a trade scenario:

Current price: 10.00$
Entry at 8.90$
Take profit at 11.00$
Stop Loss (with 4 hour candle close cool down) at 9.00$

At the moment I can't set up this trade because entry is lower than stop loss price. With classical stop loss it's understandable it can't be lower, but with Candle Close cooldown it would be essential that i want to be able to grab a deeper entry, even below stop level, because there's still time left for the candle close.

I want to pre-configure the whole trade scenario that price might wick lower, i will get an entry and if price pulls back above my stop level the stop won't be initiated. If candle closes below stop level, i will get stopped out.

Currently there's an error message: "Stop price is above entry order(s). Please adjust stop price, or remove entry order(s)"