Well, I just had a discussion with some Timothy and Ronald from support team regarding the possibility to set the profit volume to recover initial invested amount to leave the free coins running. So I guess I will add my request to the other people.
Can't this already be done by setting the Take Profit for Profit Volume to a value like 88%? It would allow you to recover invested funds, but be left with the residual? That way you build a portfolio for free?
would be great. with the current bots it does not exit the trade after exit sell. For example: sell 98% at 2% profit does execute the sell and the sell disappears from the chart, but the remaining DCA rebuys are left on the chart and the position is not closed.
Upvoting. Adding the possibility to enter % of originally invested amount would be great, so users can sell in % fractions of the invested amount as as their coins advance in price.
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Well, I just had a discussion with some Timothy and Ronald from support team regarding the possibility to set the profit volume to recover initial invested amount to leave the free coins running. So I guess I will add my request to the other people.
Can't this already be done by setting the Take Profit for Profit Volume to a value like 88%? It would allow you to recover invested funds, but be left with the residual? That way you build a portfolio for free?
would be great. with the current bots it does not exit the trade after exit sell. For example: sell 98% at 2% profit does execute the sell and the sell disappears from the chart, but the remaining DCA rebuys are left on the chart and the position is not closed.
Would be a great feature
Upvoted. Yes Please. Was looking exactly for that feature
Upvoting. Adding the possibility to enter % of originally invested amount would be great, so users can sell in % fractions of the invested amount as as their coins advance in price.
Upvoted, I would love this feature.
This is a very nice feature for the smart orders, would be nice if this will be integrated into the future bots, like grid and DCA bots. Great work.
that would be a cool one to see implemented. Much quicker workflow
Status changed to: Planned