Spend % Slider for MARKET BUY Orders
Altrady have currently implemented this slider only for the SELL MARKET Orders but not for BYU orders. Through a such slider it is possible to quickly open a position. Fast trading without a such slider is impossible.
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Merged with: Market order missing % buttons
Status changed to: Live
We have implemented this for exchanges that support Market Buy orders specifying quote currency (e.g. Binance, Kucoin). You can click a preset percentage, enter a quote currency amount, and create an Order Preset for these exchanges.
looking better however it's only half done :P
This is a feature request.
Pros and cons have been discussed on Discord previously.
could elaborate or you paste the link please? I find discord search very poor.
I'm not sure why wouldn't you want this there. I guess instead of putting them there, there should be another 'Spend' field with those buttons just like in the limit buy.
I find this useful.
the issue is not every exchange supported has this. only a few of the exchanges supported are known to have this level of depth to their market orders unfortunately. for example, poloniex has no market orders at all.
I see your point but I think this is not the only difference between exchanges. AFAIK Binance spot also support OCO orders and it was available in altrady
Discussion e.g. discord.com/channels/493408109713293312/493408109713293314/784190709694857277
However, you can still make a feature request for this.
Some exchanges offer it, it could possibly be added for those exchanges.
EDIT: did some research on why it is this way. totally understandable