Yeah, the trailing in 3c is simple as you can have trailing take profit on your last sell order which is simply just a click and a slider for deviation, this would be nice to see in altrady in bots and manual trades.
You can trail stop buy, but not trail stop sell when you set up the initial order. You have to wait until after the position is open, then you can set a trail stop sell. It would be convenient to do both at one time. Bots having the same features would be great as well.
Having a Trail Stop that becomes a trailing take profit if the price goes in our direction is a great feature to have. Another good option is to set a stop loss at the beginning than turns into a trailing profit once the price moves certain percentage in our direction. This way we can protect our capital if the market goes against our position (stop loss), and we protect profits if we get the price direction right (Trailing Profits, which is basically a trailing stop).
Activity Newest / Oldest
Status changed to: Live
Released today in V4.1
yes please do it is really will be great feature, thank
In the beta release there is no trailing for taking profit. Please add this feature.
Merged with: Profit trailing
Status changed to: In progress
Trailing is welcomed in basically everything, even more together with laddering, that way, if the price spikes, each step will take advantage of it.
Trading extensive
Yeah, the trailing in 3c is simple as you can have trailing take profit on your last sell order which is simply just a click and a slider for deviation, this would be nice to see in altrady in bots and manual trades.
Isn't this in already?
You can trail stop buy, but not trail stop sell when you set up the initial order. You have to wait until after the position is open, then you can set a trail stop sell. It would be convenient to do both at one time. Bots having the same features would be great as well.
Yes please do that. Thats what we need.
I have it on 3C but would like to see it here to.
Thank you in advanced.
What is the difference between this feature and the existing one? (Trailing Stop Limit for profit)
Now you can only place a trailing stop order if the purchase has already been made.
This feature on 3commas is really great. I love it so much. Would like to see this on altrady too !
Great Idea
Having a Trail Stop that becomes a trailing take profit if the price goes in our direction is a great feature to have. Another good option is to set a stop loss at the beginning than turns into a trailing profit once the price moves certain percentage in our direction. This way we can protect our capital if the market goes against our position (stop loss), and we protect profits if we get the price direction right (Trailing Profits, which is basically a trailing stop).
this is a great update. Have you opened a request? I would like to vote for it.
expected 😍😍😍
Status changed to: Planned